Meet Jill Coutts

Tanglewood Sheep and Goat Farm was a lifelong dream of mine.  As a young girl, I used to peruse the real estate ads in the newspaper looking for farms for sale.  When I’d find one near to us in Maryland, I’d show my father, who always said, “your mom wouldn’t go for it.”  My mother was a first generation native of Brooklyn, NY, and her idea of the outdoors was a day at the beach.  

I grew up, attended the University of Maryland (always visiting the farm and animals there!) had 5 children and became a science teacher, teaching horticulture for 15 years.  For 4 years I was an outdoor education teacher, where I had 2 nubian/alpine dairy goats.  I named them Patty and Selma, after the Simpson’s chain-smoking aunts since they sometimes coughed when chewing their cud. I learned the joys of goats, and I was hooked!

It took another 15 years to finally buy a small, historic farm in nearby Ashton.  Beautiful rolling hills and pasture.  Over the next five years my husband and I restored the barns and built outbuildings as I grew my herd of Nigerian Dwarf goats and crossbred sheep.  Nigerian Dwarfs are so friendly and personable, so much like a dog.  When my friend asked if I could bring some kids to her farm to be Goat Yoga kids I jumped at the chance.  These kids grew to be the friendliest goats you could find anywhere!  It was the best kind of training for them, and the joy on people’s faces as they interact with the baby goats is priceless.  Anxiety and stress melt away as yogis cuddle with the kids, and the kids love interacting with the yogis.  

It took me a long time to live my dream, but here I am!  Please feel free to contact me to learn more about raising Nigerian Dwarf goats.